What do you think about palms?

fan palm - tropical plants - palms - odelplants

I absolutely love palms! They are so beautiful, graceful and elegant, and at the same time strong and resilient. These are the plants that easily add lovely tropical feelings to any place.

Palms in their natural environment… – they’re a very special and cherished topic for me. I admire them so much and can look at them endlessly when I am there. They gently carry me to my favorite world where I really belong. But that’s not the topic of this post. Here and now I will talk about our beautiful palms as our dearest and beloved houseplants.

Many palms are slow-growing, and therefore, large specimens are often expensive. But don’t get discouraged from trying palms! If you provide the right conditions and take good care of them, even small plants will gradually become remarkable specimens.

Not all palms grow large, and many are compact enough for a desk-top or a side-table. Some are even small enough to use in a terrarium while young. And they look amazing there! Please try and see.

How to grow healthy palms?

  • The most common mistake is to regard all palms as sun-lovers. We assume that as they originate from a hot and sun-drenched world they are supposed to always be in a sunny spot. Not at all! As houseplants you want them to remain in good condition with unblemished leaves, not scorched by the sun (especially considering all the intense solar flares we are experiencing these days).
  • There are some palms, for example, Coconut Palm or Canary Island Date Palm, that require as sunny of a location as possible. But for most indoor palms, a bright indirect or filtered sunlight is the best light to thrive in.
  • Ensure that the drainage is good otherwise -> problems will appear.
  • Water liberally in spring and summer, sparingly in winter. And always wait when your palm is ready to be watered before you actually water it. And that depends on the pot size your palm is planted in.
  • Only repot when absolutely essential as palms dislike root disturbance. And when you repot, make sure that the new soil is firmly compacted.

As palms are so dear to my heart, I think that posts devoted to them here will be numerous. In other words, to be continued…. 😊

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